Venture Capital Financing

At Nelisa Awakening Africa (NAA), we understand the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in accessing the necessary financial support to bring their innovative ideas to life. That’s why we have established the Nelisa Startup Fund (NSF), an early Venture Capital Financing program designed to empower and enable youth entrepreneurship across the African continent.


We actively seek out startups with innovative ideas, scalable business models and passionate young entrepreneurs. Through our online application process, entrepreneurs can submit their business proposals and business plans for evaluation. Shortlisted applicants undergo a rigorous selection process and those who meet NSF criteria are offered the opportunity to partner with us. We acquire a stake in these startups, aligning our interests and becoming long term partners in their success.


Once selected, startups become part of our entrepreneurial ecosystem. We provide access to the Nelisa Entrepreneurial Hub, a dynamic platform offering a range of resources and support services. Entrepreneurs benefit from personalized training programs networking opportunities and access to industry experts. Our team works closely with startups, offering guidance and strategic advice to help them navigate challenges, refine their business models and accelerate their growth.


Our goal is to support startups in becoming sustainable and successful ventures. We actively work with entrepreneurs to build their capacity and enhance their market competitiveness. As startups mature and demonstrate sustainable growth, we facilitate their transition to the next phase of their entrepreneurial journey. At the appropriate time we exit our stake allowing startups to continue their growth trajectory independently while creating room for new ventures within our portfolio.

Why Choose Nelisa Startup Fund (NSF)?

Reliability and Trust

We are a reliable partner committed to supporting youth entrepreneurship in Africa. Our track record, expertise, and network make us a trusted and reputable source of venture capital financing.

Rigorous Selection Process

Our thorough evaluation ensures that we partner with high-potential startups, creating a portfolio of ventures with promising growth prospects.

Comprehensive Support

We offer more than just financial support. Our holistic approach provides startups with a range of resources, mentorship, and training programs to nurture their growth.

Collaborative Partnership

We believe in building strong and collaborative partnerships with entrepreneurs, working hand in hand to overcome challenges and achieve mutual success.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Through the NSF, we create an environment where startups can thrive, learn from each other, and access valuable resources

Long-Term Sustainability

Our focus is on nurturing startups to become sustainable ventures that contribute to job creation, economic growth, and social impact.

Join Nelisa Startup Fund:
Take your startup to new heights. Together, we can unlock the full potential of youth entrepreneurship, drive economic growth, and shape a brighter future for Africa. Apply online today and embark on a transformative journey through our Startup Development phases, leveraging the expertise of NAA and the vibrant entrepreneurial community within the Nelisa Entrepreneurship Hub.

Our work speaks for itself

Numbers Speak

Here is what we have accomplished so far.



Impacted Youth



Supported Projects


